
Where do you want to go as Au pair?

Now, for Au pair Canada this is a fairly important one. I want to travel to about 40 places and I have a little list of where those places are. I decided I didn’t......

What Type of Au pair Would You Be?

Your character and personality Taking care of children may sound easy, we may think that with some games everything will be controlled. Big mistake! Many times we forget to take into account the character and personality......
au pair agency

What is the living arrangement for hosting an au pair in canada

The living arrangement for hosting an au pair in Canada typically involves providing the au pair with a private bedroom within the host family’s home, along with access to shared spaces such as the......

What is an Au pair?

The official purpose of the Au pair  arrangement is to provide single women and men aged 18-29 yrs old with the chance to study a foreign language and culture while living as part of......
au pair upon arrival to canada

What is an Au pair Gap Year

Au pair gap year abroad Internship, summer job or a sabbatical Au pair gap year abroad with international professional experience are a perfect step to boost your CV and cover letters. Indeed, a labor......

The check list when accepting a Host Family

Au pair Canada helps you to make a little check list according to your personality about what you want for this experience. At Au pair Canada we suggest that you take into consideration the......

The 5 Most Valued Qualities in an Au pair

A difficult decision for host families Finding the right girl is a difficult decision for host families and they often take various precautions about who they will choose as the future Au Pair who......


Once you have created your aesthetically pleasing, honest profile families can add you which is essentially liking your profile. The website then sends you an email with a link to the family’s profile and......

Preparing your family letter

Preparing your Dear Family Letter Be completely honest about yourself. Don’t say you love hiking when secretly you’re a couch potato. Some families are couch potatoes and would like an additional potato. Really try......